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Discover Your Sapiosexuality

Sapio Singles is a casual dating site for those who find brains more attractive than brawns. Explore connections with other sapiosexuals in your local area. Get to know people based on their experiences, bold opinions and unfiltered passions. Find someone with whom you have an invigorating intellectual, physical and emotional connection. Heighten your sexual experiences when you connect on an intellectual level.


Sapiosexual Dating Near You

Sign up and be instantly matched with local sapiosexuals who share your interests, opinions and passions. Find someone in your town, city or region that will grow your mind. Discover lust and brilliance with sapiosexual dating. Intensify your experience when you upgrade to VIP membership. Unlock exclusive access to unlimited private messaging, see who has been viewing your profile and gain priority placement on the member news feed and searches. Make the smart choice with Sapio Singles.


Safe & Secure Community

All profiles in our community are verified to ensure you are connecting with only genuine sapiosexuals. We also appreciate your privacy and your personal information will not be displayed or disclosed to anyone. For those needing a little extra assistance, we have provided a 24-hour customer support team. We are always here to help when you need it. Join Sapio Singles, flex your brain and be challenged by intellectual singles.